Gwendita's Portfolio

Like the name suggests, this website is my portfolio,
containing things about me and my experiences

The video that started my journey

Learning html seemed impossible at first, especially when learning here is super face paced. I found it hard to understand due to the lack of basic html knowledge. But thankfully, the video above taught me all the basic html codes. I highly recommend this series and channel for all beginning programmers.

Image Designers
This is where we sit down, grab a cup of coffee and dial in the details. Understanding the task at hand and ironing out the wrinkles is key.

Kathy Reyes, CEO

Image Designers
Image Designers

I've been using Visual Studio Code, or vs code for short, to make all my web projects. I have learned HTML, javascript, and php right here at vs code. I do know other alternative coding softwares, but i find vs code easier because of familiarity.

I mainly use After Effect for video editing and projects. If i'm asked to make a promotional video for the school/place i work in, i'll use this to edit everything.

My Projects

Project SHOYOU

Dummy project

(role: prototype designer)

Project E-Library

Website perpustakaan online

(role: ui/ux design)

Project Delightful things

web wirausaha

(role: ui/ux design)